Curtiss Wisconsin 1882 - Centennial - 1982

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    Curtiss Wisconsin 1882 - Centennial - 1982

    Zasoba [page 11] Mentioned in news clip of the Curtiss Advance as having Ed Krause doing some plowing for him on Saturday.

    Zasoba, Alex [page 110] Mentioned in article "Memories of Curtiss".

    Zasoba, Alice [100] [page 110] Mentioned in article "Memories of Curtiss".

    Zasoba, J. [page 5] Listed as owning property in section 31, Southeastern section of Curtiss.

    Zasoba, John [100] [page 108] Operated a shoe shop in the village.

    Zasoba, John [100] [page 5] Listed as owning property in section 25, Northeastern section of Curtiss.

    Zasoba, Lester [100] [page 49] Group photograph of Curtiss State Graded School, no date.

    Zasoba, Mrs. Amelia [100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

    Zasoba, Peter [100] [page 110] Mentioned in article "Memories of Curtiss".

    Need to get a book or copies of the pages!

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Established January 1, 2007. All rights reserved.
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