Walter W. Zasoba (10 June 1883 - 1946). Born in Przasnysz, Poland1 or Saint Petersburg, Russia2 (both unconfirmed). Immigrated to America with family, arriving to Port of Philadelphia on 27 July 19043. He is listed as Wladek. First marriage to Rebecca Fortier; children: Hellen Ruth (1908), twins Beatrice Marie and Bernice Anne (1911), Lester Walter (1914). Second marriage to Anna M. Fafrowicz in 1918 in Duluth, Minnesota; daughter Sophie Ann (1919). In 1920 they moved from Crane, Wisconsin to Ingram, Wisconsin. Buried in Riverside Cemetery in Ladysmith, Wisconsin.
J1 family tree and places of residence.
1, 3. Philadelphia Passenger List, July 27, 1904.
2. The Marshfield News - Herald, February 4, 1966.
Walter Zasoba of Ladysmith - Obituary, 1940's