Irene Tytor

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    Irene Tytor, married name Zasoba (unknown - unknown). Married Eldon August Zasoba on July 6, 1946 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Withee1.

    1Marriage of Eldon Zasoba and Irene Tytor (show) 1Marriage of Eldon Zasoba and Irene Tytor (hide)
    Miss Irene Tytor, Withee (Clark Co., Wis.), daughter of the Walter Tytors, Lublin, became the bride of 
    Eldon August Zasoba, Withee, at a 2 p.m. candlelight ceremony Saturday, July 6, 1946, at St. John’s 
    Lutheran Church in Withee.
    After the wedding a reception was held at the groom’s parents home and that evening a wedding dance was 
    given at Merry Ol’ Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Zasoba later left on a wedding trip through southern Wisconsin 
    and Illinois.
    The bride was gowned in white. The sleeves were long, the satin bodice had a silver trimmed inserted 
    net yoke, and the sharkskin skirt, with an overskirt of net, had a double row of three inch ruching of 
    net trimmed with satin ribbon.
    Three rows of satin ribbon edged the bride’s fingertip imported illusion veil which fell from a seed 
    pearl crown, also edged with imported illusion. She carried a prayer book to which was pinned a single 
    white orchid and from which fell long white satin ribbon streamers and floral buds.
    Mrs. Marie Szczesniak, Chicago, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. Mrs. Estelle Janz, 
    Milwaukee, a sister of the bride, who styled and sewed the bride’s and attendants’ gowns, and Miss 
    Donna LaFlex, Thorp, were the bride’s honor attendants and were dressed alike in black and white sunny 
    crepe. Both had white flower headpieces, long white gloves, and white lace handkerchiefs, a gift of the 
    bride. Their bouquets were of American beauty and white roses.
    The best man was Norbert Beahr, Eau Claire. Mr. Zasoba, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zasoba, Withee, was 
    discharged recently from the U. S. Army Engineers. At present he is employed as an apprentice engineer. 
    He and his bride, a former Taylor Co. school teacher, will make their home in Withee.
    Out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zasoba, West Allis; Mrs. Marie Szczesniak, 
    Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zake, South Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Marcantonio, Forest Park, Ill.; Mrs. 
    Estelle Janz and daughter, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Nieman, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zaksewicz, 
    Thorp, and Walter Zasoba, Ingram.

    1. Owen Enterprise (Wisconsin) - 11 July 1946.

    J1 family tree and places of residence.

    Town of Thorp Teachers
    School Year - 1951-1952
    JT 4 Yaeger (Thorp & Withee) - Irene Tytor Zasoba

Образован 1 января 2007 года. Все права защищены.
Established January 1, 2007. All rights reserved.
Заснований 1 сiчня 2007 року. Всi права захищенi.