Eldon August "Al" Zasoba (30 March 1923 - 8 October 20091). Eldon lived in Withee, Wisconsin. He was drafted & accepted at the Induction Station at Milwaukee on January 18, 1943, and sent to Fort Sheridan, Illinois2. "Al" served in the US Army until January 19462. Married Irene Tytor on July 6, 1946 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Withee3. Presumably divorced in 1950s. Married Elizabeth Eveylyn Ricci (Wood) in April, 1958 in Omaha, Nebraska4. In 1967 Eldon was still residing in Omaha.
3A record of Eldon "Al" Zasoba's Military Career (show)
3A record of Eldon "Al" Zasoba's Military Career (hide)
In January, 1943 Al was drafted into the Army. He was sent to an Ordnance Base in Pomona, California
for approximately 2 or 3 months. There were 160 men and 5 officers in his company. Their company was
called: the "797" Engineers.
Their company was sent to Louisiana, making up a new company. He was a mechanic.
After that time, he was sent to Riverside, California 4-6 weeks waiting for a boat for over-seas
His next assignment in December of 1943 was to be shipped to Bombay, India.
After reaching Bombay, their company took a train across India to Calcutta.
The company changed trains to travel to Marqreta, India, which was the end of the line! They traveled
on the Lea do Road till they hit the Burma Road. Their company cut and hauled the timbers for the
consturction of the road. Then they traveled into China, for a short time.
He was in China briefly, until the war ended in 1945. He spent approximately 2 years in India, Burma,
and China. He was never involved in combat duty, but served as support for the construction of roads,
serving as mechanic.
He return to the United States by way of the Suez Canal and Mediterrnean Sea and on Christmas Day their
company left the Mediterranean Sea, passing by the Rock of Gibraltar.
He was discharged in January in 1946.
4Marriage of Eldon Zasoba and Irene Tytor (show)
4Marriage of Eldon Zasoba and Irene Tytor (hide)
Miss Irene Tytor, Withee (Clark Co., Wis.), daughter of the Walter Tytors, Lublin, became the bride of
Eldon August Zasoba, Withee, at a 2 p.m. candlelight ceremony Saturday, July 6, 1946, at St. John’s
Lutheran Church in Withee.
After the wedding a reception was held at the groom’s parents home and that evening a wedding dance was
given at Merry Ol’ Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Zasoba later left on a wedding trip through southern Wisconsin
and Illinois.
The bride was gowned in white. The sleeves were long, the satin bodice had a silver trimmed inserted
net yoke, and the sharkskin skirt, with an overskirt of net, had a double row of three inch ruching of
net trimmed with satin ribbon.
Three rows of satin ribbon edged the bride’s fingertip imported illusion veil which fell from a seed
pearl crown, also edged with imported illusion. She carried a prayer book to which was pinned a single
white orchid and from which fell long white satin ribbon streamers and floral buds.
Mrs. Marie Szczesniak, Chicago, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. Mrs. Estelle Janz,
Milwaukee, a sister of the bride, who styled and sewed the bride’s and attendants’ gowns, and Miss
Donna LaFlex, Thorp, were the bride’s honor attendants and were dressed alike in black and white sunny
crepe. Both had white flower headpieces, long white gloves, and white lace handkerchiefs, a gift of the
bride. Their bouquets were of American beauty and white roses.
The best man was Norbert Beahr, Eau Claire. Mr. Zasoba, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zasoba, Withee, was
discharged recently from the U. S. Army Engineers. At present he is employed as an apprentice engineer.
He and his bride, a former Taylor Co. school teacher, will make their home in Withee.
Out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zasoba, West Allis; Mrs. Marie Szczesniak,
Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zake, South Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Marcantonio, Forest Park, Ill.; Mrs.
Estelle Janz and daughter, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Nieman, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zaksewicz,
Thorp, and Walter Zasoba, Ingram.
1. Fremont Tribune (Nebraska) - 9 October 2009.
2. Selective Services News - 18 January 1943.
3. Zasoba, Eldon A. Letter to author. DD MM 20xx. MS.
4. Owen Enterprise (Wisconsin) - 11 July 1946.
5. Omaha Marriages - B10809.
Withee, WI St. John's Lutheran Confirmation (1937)
Standing: Eldon Zasoba, Theodore Petke, Floyd Engebretson, Ervin Miller, Adolph Liebrum, Charles Pribbernow.
Seated: Doris Boeldt, Arlene Buss, Lucille Pribbernow, Rev. Wendling, Ernest Cizek, Rose Vetterkind, Gertrude Baehr.
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
GRADE: - Private
BRANCH - Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
TERM OF ENLISTMENT - Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
EDUCATION - 4 years of high school
CIVILIAN OCCUPATION - Semiskilled mechanics and repairmen, motor vehicles
MARITAL STATUS - Single, without dependents
COMPONENT OF THE ARMY - Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Height: 65
Weight: 155
Pallbearer for Baehr, Augusta M. (2 AUG 1862 - 17 FEB 1946)
J1 J1 family tree and places of residence.